Digispark Attiny85 runs at 16.5MHz (with no external crystal) and has 5 I/O pins and connects to a USB port using a micro USB connector. The breakout board comes with an ATtiny85 chip pre-programmed with the micronucleus bootloader. The great thing about this bootloader is that it makes a software compatible USB interface inside the ATtiny85 - even when that chip has no USB interface. By adding support libraries into the Arduino IDE you can program this chip using the Ardino IDE system in a similar way to other Arduino microcontrollers. The rest of this page shows you a Digispark tutorial for installing the Digispark drivers, checking that they are working correctly and programming the device. Digispark ATtiny85 Bootloader Timeout The way that the Digispark Attiny85 works is to use the Window Driver to identify the Digispark but this can only be done for 5 seconds. After the 5 seconds the bootloader becomes a dumb device and the program control is transferred to ...
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