The following table shows the most used baud rates. The left side part of the table shows speed and bit duration. The right part shows real transmission speed assuming there is no parity, 8 data bits and one stop bit. Bauds Bits/s Bit duration Speed Actual speed Actual byte duration 50 bauds 50 bits/s 20.000 ms 6.25 bytes/s 5 bytes/s 200.000 ms 75 bauds 75 bits/s 13.333 ms 9.375 bytes/s 7.5 bytes/s 133.333 ms 110 bauds 110 bits/s 9.091 ms 13.75 bytes/s 11 bytes/s 90.909 ms 134 bauds 134 bits/s 7.463 ms 16.75 bytes/s 13.4 bytes/s 74.627 ms 150 bauds 150 bits/s 6.667 ms 18.75 bytes/s 15 bytes/s 66.667 ms 200 bauds 200 bits/s 5.000 ms 25 bytes/s 20 bytes/s 50.000 ms 300 bauds 300 bits/s 3.333 ms 37.5 bytes/s 30 bytes/s 33.333 ms 600 bauds 600 bits/s 1.667 ms 75 bytes/s 60 bytes/s 16.667 ms 1200 bauds 1200 bits/s 833.333 µs 150 bytes/s 120 bytes/s 8.333 ms 1800 bauds 1800 bits/s 555.556 µs 225...
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